
Welcome to the new rumors page. Please send all rumors to: Please remember that all of the information on this page is/are rumors untill proven true. Some already have been. The ones that are true have for the most part, already been marked :-)

Do Not Take This Information At All Without Permission

Book 4 Book 5 Book 6 Book 7 Other Information

Real Rumors

Book Four

( I left these here so that you can see what was predicted)

1. We now know that Book 4 - for certain - will be released on July 8th, 2000 in the UK! However, it has not been confirmed if Book 4 will be released in the US on the same day. And then the rumors about a "preview" copy coming out Dec 1st (the same day I'm writing this) is spinning my head. I personally don't believe it, unless otherwise proven.
2. There are other schools like Hogwarts (well, duh!) and we learn about them in this book. We will also meet students from these schools.
3. The new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher is a has a magical eye - also, he supposedly knocks Draco Malfoy around. Some people may be happy about this. :-)
4. There will be many deaths in this book, though only one "you'll really give a damn about," as Ms. Rowling said (which caused my friend, Amanda, and I to start laughing - I nearly dropped the phone. Obviously, it will not be Harry. Probably not Snape or Hagird or Hermione, but Ms. Rowling refuses to say whether or not Ron dies. I say Sirius, but you never know. Also, it is NOT confirmed that Voldemort causes these deaths. And, finally, there is rumor that it is a teacher who dies, so maybe not Sirius . . . Another also, people are saying one of the Weasley twins die, too.
5. We meet a new, nasty female (hear us roar, yeh blimey bloats!!! ::cough::) character introduced - could this possibly be the new best friend Harry might be getting? - and her name is rumored to be Icicle. Ooh, cold character, maybe? :-)
6. Hormones will definitely kick in for our favorite fourth years and they will all fall in love with the wrong people. Is Draco and Hermione really all that bad???? ::sniff::
7. The title (according to Scholastic) will be '
Harry Potter and the Doomsday Tournament'. Yes, almost as good as the 'Quidditch World Cup,' but I don't really care right now, anyway . . . :-)
8. Hermione will get her first date. Oh, joy. Hehe, just kidding, but we knew she probably would anyway, eh? Hermione and Harry will not have a date - but Ms. Rowling elludes that it might be Ron and Hermione. Ah, of course. :-)
9. The Dursleys may be facing finacial problems. As if we didn't know the house would fall in under - ahem - certain people's weight. :-) J/k.
10. The book will probably be out in summer of 2000 - coming out at the same time in the UK and the US (Oh joy!!!!), either that, or, it's rumored for January/February 2000 for the UK. Although, Barnes and Noble expects it in in
April (I asked three times, by the way) and I was told Borders expects the book in January, but they're idiots - think about it. Sorry to all the un-idiotic workers at Borders, but tell everyone else to lighten up! ::cough:: Yes, how preppy I sound tonight . . .
11. Crookshanks will probably be back in this book. How? Well, he IS Hermione's cat and I doubt she'd let her parents take care of him . . . would they want to? ::dark, scary music plays in background::
12. Harry will be tempted by the Dark Arts. Well, I'm interested in learning more about it, too! :-) Actually, we now know that is false. ::sobs:: Click
here to see what I mean! ::keeps sobbing::
13. Harry tries to get a romance, but he doesn't get very far. ::laughs and laughs:: I seem to find this particularly funny. ::is still laughing::
14. Thanks to
Newsround, we now know that in Book 4 we will meet a new Weasley. A cousin of Ron etc. And JKR described her as being 'quite interesting'. Is this Icicle?
15. The ending of book will be very frightening - she says it has to be to tie in with the overall plot (I assume this means the book will END with the death of a major character).
NEW!!! From Shelia: 'In the books, they usually don't mention someone you don't know unless they are going to use them in later books; i.e., Sirius Black was mentioned in the first book, then appeared in the third. Well, rumors are that the next Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher will have a magic eye. Well, in the third book, Professor Remus Lupin just happens to mention a guy named Davey Gudgeon nearly lost an eye by trying to touch the trunk of the Whomping Willow! Coincidence? I think not! In the second book, they mention a fan of Lockhart's to be named Gladys Gudgeon. I think maybe a mother or sister." Well, people, there you have it! It's quite likely!
NEW Harry might become the Gryffindor Quiddich Team Captain. Might

Old Rumors (That were untrue!)

1. The title will supposedly be 'Harry Potter and the Quidditch World Cup'. If that is true, I have to say (many have complained with me agreeing) that this title is VERY unoriginal. I thought it could possibly be a branching series off Harry Potter . . . UPDATED Sources say this will not be the title after all. YAY! (Okay, due to request, the fourth book is called 'Harry Potter and the Doomspell Tournament'!)

Book Five

1. Professor Lupin makes a return (cool, no?).
2. We will learn more about the history of Lily Potter. Possibly, her maiden name????
3. Hermione will be probably (rather, most likely) made a prefect.

Book Six

No rumors or info at all. Well, this should be an exciting book, huh?
NEW However! reports that he found out that Professor Quirrell's brother comes as a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher (you know, I knew it would become a trend of loosing DADA teachers . . .) and nobody likes him, "not even Malfoy." He [Quirrell's brother] supposedly has come for revenge on Harry. Harry and Draco Malfoy become friends for a while, but, I guess, become enemies (AGAIN!!! ::is in a rage::) after "the big scary part."
NEW reports that he/she knows J. K. Rowling and she said one of Ron's brothers will die. DO NOT TRUST THIS UNTIL CONFIRMED.

Book Seven

1. Snape might fall in love - but I knew that already, huh? :-) Redeemed, too - if I could remember my vocabulary tonight . . . grr . . .
2. One of the students in Harry's "grade" year will become a teacher - but not Harry, Ron, or Hermione. Maybe Draco - I've heard people say (through E-mail/fanfic) that he'll become the headmaster of Hogwarts.
3. A BIG revelation is made about Lily Potter - maybe that Voldemort is Harry's real father? ::cough:: Too many people have said that for me not to say it. :-)
4. Obviously, most everyone knows Ms. Rowling has finished the last chapter of this book already - and the last word is scar. Now that's a news flash. That's also sarcasm. :-)
UPDATED Sources say that this may change when Ms. Rowling reaches the seventh book - she said so herself.
5. I knew this already, but magic can not bring people back to life, so there will be no live James or Lily Potter. ::cough:: That's live.
6. Hermione will most likely be named Head Girl. Well! That's a given in itself! :-) Harry might also become Head Boy.
7. Harry and Draco might team up to fight an "evil force". Hmm, if this is true, maybe Draco's not exactly following in his father's footsteps . . .?

Other Info

Tidbit Facts

1. Professor Sinistra of Astronomy is supposedly (I don't remember reading this; I'll have to read them again) the Head of Ravenclaw. Hufflepuff's Head of House has yet to be named as of this time.
2. The Gray Lady is Ravenclaw's ghost (Gryffin.: Nearly Headless Nick; Slytherin: Bloody Baron; Hufflepuff: Fat Friar).
3. Sirius, Dobby, Aragog, the Dementors (yes! Who I would rather call Specters, though . . .) and also Crookshanks and Lupin, of course), and the Weasleys' car (well, it's not like it jumped over the moon, I hope . . .) will reappear in future books, though most are undertermined at the present time. Lockhart's next appearance is doubtful, although I'd like to see him in a straight jacket . . .
4. There might be some kid or some adult that suddenly is aware of his/her powers. PLEASE NOT DUDLEY!
5. Professor Trelawney's first prediction (eh? I have to reread again) will be proven, supposedly. Ooh, goody, whatever it is, I'm jumping for joy. Another sarcastic remark from me!
6. Hermione will lighten up in future books. Great - I hope she appears more in the books!
7. There will supposedly be action figures ("I'm a mother - I hate action figures!" - J. K. Rowling). God, have any of you seen the Transformer dolls for Animorphs? ::shudders in absolute horror and disgust::
8. J. K. Rowling has supposedly given the manuscript of Book Four to the publishers. This is unconfirmed at the moment, but I am sure it's almost (remember those famous last words, people) true - they've [Bloomsbury] already set a publication date. :-)
9. The secret to Harry's riches will be revealed in an upcoming book. I personally just thought they were well off . . . I also personally don't care. Wealth doesn't matter - it's the person inside.
Harry will NOT be tempted to the dark side. Darnit! ::curses more:: That would have been so cool! I'm going to write a fanfic about that then, you nasty people! I'll show you! I'll show you it can be done! Let me just watch Saturday Night Live and you'll have it on your desk Monday morning! ::cough::
11. We will probably see an heir to Voldemort. YAY! I personally love this. Any takers it's Draco or Harry or Neville? :-) Always possible, though I doubt it's Harry . . .
12. We will find out "more" about Harry's grandparents. YAY! I've been waiting ever so patiently - ::cough:: Yeah, right. - for this! :-)

Movies Upates

1. The movie will be out either next year or 2001.
2. Auditions are going on throughout the UK - no word, however, about any US auditions except for - I think - a misconcepted thing. I called WB and they were really iritable people . . .
3. Many famous Hollywooders - teehehe - including Steven Spielburg, could direct the coming movie.
4. More than 4000 children (including teens, of course) have sent unsolicited applications to Bloomsbury Publishing in hopes of playing one of their favorite characters in the movie.
NEW Steven Spielberg is the most likely candidate for the director's seat. (I would like to note that Steve Kloves is the screen play writer.)
NEW According to a very nice man named Sam Rubin (who I watch on the news every morning I can for his entertainment report and the regular reports; yes, I'm devoted to the news), says that the movie is being kicked around and no one's really said anything final about it (besides the making of it). Thank you, Mr. Rubin!!!!
NEW AUDITION NEWS!!!! Send your name, address, birthday, parents/guardian's details (name, age, etc.), a daytime telephone number (remember the area code!); then, here comes the part that pretty much decides you: Write the name of the character you would like to play, then write a short paragraph about why you would like to be in the movie, and want to play your chosen character. Then! You MUST send it to the following address:
Susie Figges
25 Fortress Road
London NW5 1AD

J. K. Rowling

1. Ms. Rowling is expected to make 20 to 30 million pounds in the next ten years. The lady is already loaded. :-)
2. Book publishers Penguin, Collins, and Orion all rejected Philosopher's Stone, before it was picked up by Bloomsbury. Boy, I'll bet those guys are kicking themselves now . . .

The Wizard's Companion - An Unofficial Guide to the Books of J. K. Rowling
Written by Roger & Laurie Stewart

<>First off, I'd like to say that these authors are probably some of the nicest people (er, adults, so I'm not hurt by some of you!) I've ever "met" online. They gave me some great information and I thank them very graciously for honoring me with that.
Please read the following statements from the Stewarts addressed to me (thanks Laurie!):
"Hi Gypsy,
<>We didn't know if you'd heard the latest about the cancellation of our book. Andrews McMeel decided not to publish it a week ago. An excerpt of the statement they sent out to bookstores appeared on another HP web site. It went as follows:
<>"Liz, who works in a bookstore, has passed on the following except from a letter regarding The Wizard's Companion: 'Andrews McMeel Publishing has decided not to publish The Wizard's Companion: An Unofficial Guide to the Books of J.K. Rowling as a result of views expressed by representatives of J.K. Rowling and Warner Brothers. Lengthy, costly and unpredictable litigation is not where we want to spend our energies. In addition, AMP admires J.K. Rowling's works and is reluctant to publish anything of which she even remotely disapproves.' Liz also says the letter was signed by Hugh T. Andrews, National Sales Director at Andrews McMeel Publishing. Thanks, Liz!"
<>We wanted to set the record straight. Andrews McMeel's statement that they became "reluctant to publish anything of which [J.K. Rowling] even remotely disapproves" has given some people the impression that Ms. Rowling read the book and didn't like it. We've never received any indication that this is the case. Apparently the book was stopped because Warner Bros. now controls all rights to derivative works based on the Harry Potter books. (Enter the lawyers...) At least, that is as much as we have been told. We're very proud of the book we wrote, and we believe fans would love to have the information it contains. If it can't be published in book form, we'll probably post it on the Net and let you judge for yourselves. In any event, we appreciate the coverage you gave us! The Harry Potter fan community has always been very supportive and awesome.
Best regards,
Roger and Laurie Stewart"


Harry Potter

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